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Grant Consulting

Learn more about grant consulting for nonprofits in  Atlanta, Georgia or across the United States below:

Have you had a nonprofit or grant consultant support your organization before?   As a subset of nonprofit consulting, grant consulting separates the nonprofit organizations that win grants from the ones that don't. 

Funders will ask about your capacity.  


They want to know if you have a strategic plan, logic model, evaluation plan, and theory of change. Having a robust strategic plan and other elements in place transforms how the reviewer and, ultimately, the funder understands your organization.


Funders want to know about your governance policies, if you have appropriate financial and accounting systems in place to manage a grant appropriately, and if your Board of Directors has the right skills to take your organization to the next level.  


Confirming these details will communicate to your potential funder that you have the skills, expertise, and capacity to get the job done.  Only an experienced and professional nonprofit consultant can position your nonprofit organization in this way and get high scores in the capacity section of an application.


Having a strong strategy in place transforms how the reviewer reads your proposal and will communicate to your potential funder that you have the skills, expertise, and capacity to get the job done.  

Have you had past consultants give advice but none of it stuck?  Our experienced team in Atlanta, Georgia, and across the country, provides practical and actionable feedback you can deploy today and execute within your current capacity. 


Grant Consulting*

Think and Ink Grants® helps you "think" through effective grant-seeking strategies by offering: 

  • Grant Strategic Planning: Transform your grant-seeking strategy by defining a customized and effective approach to pursuing grant funding.

  • Communication Clarity: Examine your mission, vision, goals, and objectives and their alignment with your intended outcomes across all communication channels.

  • Theory of Change: Determine and communicate the steps needed to create change

  • Community Needs Assessment: Identify the most critical needs of those you serve community need by examining data, conducting surveys, and facilitating focus groups.

  • Program Development: Logic model-based program design to create new and update existing programming, engage stakeholders, and communicate impact to funders.

  • ​​Strategic Planning: Create a strategic plan defining your nonprofit's KPI's.

  • ​​Budgeting:  Compose organization and program budgets for sound financial planning.

  • ​​Evaluation Plans: Evaluate the success of your program through planning and execution

  • Fundraising Strategic Planning: Plan funding streams of both grants and fundraising campaigns to maximize revenue.​​​

*Additional topics are available on request.

Potential Deliverables include:


  • Logic Model

  • Theory of Change Summary

  • Annual Strategic Plan

  • Operations and Program Budgets

  • A Data-Based Statement of Needs

  • Evaluation Plan

  • Fundraising Plan


Communicating an effective organizational vision, mission, and clear strategic plan is crucial.  Executing strong community programs backed by evidence-based needs identified through community needs assessments are mandatory.  Thinking through aspects of a logic model and engaging collaborators to fulfill your mission is vital. 


These elements are the secret sauce to creating a winning grant proposal. 

Want to learn more? 

Schedule your free consultation today:

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